"We give thanks to you, O God; we give thanks, for your name is near.
We recount your wondrous deeds." Psalm 75:1

Recount His wondrous deeds.

God has been so good to guide and bless the ministry of CEF of Alabama for 75 years, and we owe Him all the praise.
Over the years He has used this ministry to reach thousands of children with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and we have a few ways we would love your help in celebrating what the Lord has done.

Good News Club Art Contest

We want to see how Good News Club has impacted our students. Students in Good News Club can submit their artwork portraying their Good News Club for a chance to win prizes. Consider a picture from your favorite Bible lesson or Missions story, a picture of you and your favorite Good News Club leader, or you and your friends at Good News Club.

Deadline for submissions is March 31.

Each submission should include the student’s name, age, phone number, and school and can be sent via:

Share Your CEF Story

“Serving with CEF gave me a passion for missions when I was only 13 years old. I made life-long friends and realized a calling on my life. All these years later, I’m still working with CEF of Alabama.” - Savannah Barber, Montgomery Alabama

Do you have a story of how God impacted your life through the work of CEF? It could be through summer ministry, Good News Club, training, etc. We want to hear from you and celebrate God’s faithfulness in your life with you!

Submit your story to be entered to win one of three drawings for a gift card. Drawings will be held quarterly. More information to come.

Submissions can be sent via: