A church can make a great and lasting impact on children, families, and communities by partnering with the ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship® of North Alabama. Whether your church chooses to support CEF® through a missions budget or through a Good News Club® Partnership, you are a valuable part of the work God is doing in our communities.
Missions Support
Scripture is filled with many examples of the body of Christ supporting the efforts of missionaries near and far. If God has blessed you as a church with the resources to support missions, we ask you to prayerfully consider including Child Evangelism Fellowship® of North Alabama in your missions budget. The ministry benefits greatly by regular pledged giving, in that it allows us to plan ahead for the growth of ministry. Your church can make a great impact through giving by maintaining the growth of the ministry, funding new projects and personnel, as well as sponsoring ministry with churches and communities that may not have that access otherwise.
Good News Club® Partnership
We are ready and eager to help churches enter the schools, fully equipped to share the Gospel, to teach the Bible to school children, and to extend the biblical influence to families. CEF® offers church partners a strategic plan, materials, training, support, and mentoring. Through a God-centered partnership between the local church and CEF®, children’s lives change and churches grow. Churches come to the partnership with the most important ingredient, God’s people. A team from your church will bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the school children. CEF® offers specialized training for this endeavor. CEF® takes care of the major logistics of getting a club started: contacting the school, providing liability insurance, and conducting background checks.
Impact in North Alabama