What is CEF®?
Child Evangelism Fellowship® is a Bible-centered, interdenominational, worldwide organization, composed of born-again believers whose purpose and mission are to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, disciple them in the Word of God, and establish them in a Bible-believing church for Christian living. CEF® has over 2,900 missionaries overseas, approximately 2,200 of whom are nationals. In the USA and Canada 700 full-time workers and an estimated 40,000 volunteers serve the ministry. CEF® was founded by Jesse Irvin Overholtzer in 1937.
Growing up in a religious family, Jesse at the age of 12 was convicted of his own sin and sought counsel from his mother. He was told, “Son, you are too young.” It wasn’t until Overholtzer was in college that he heard the Gospel and trusted Christ as his Savior.
Later as a pastor Mr. Overholtzer read one of Charles Spurgeon’s sermons which stated, “A child of five, if properly instructed can as truly believe and be regenerated as an adult.” The Lord used this statement in Mr. O’s life to lead him to begin the ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship® when he was 60 years old. The ministry has grown into the largest evangelistic outreach to children in the world. CEF® is currently ministering in countries around the world and in every state in the U.S.
Check out these additional resources to dive deeper into the history and legacy of Child Evangelism Fellowship®:
What denominations do you work with?
CEF® is an interdenominational organization that works with a variety of churches. Our Statement of Faith is the best source of information on the beliefs and practices of CEF International and CEF of North Alabama. You can read that Statement of Faith under the About Us tab of our website.
How does someone become a Christian?
The fact that a young child can comprehend the simple message of salvation and become a child of God is the foundational principle of Child Evangelism Fellowship®. Everything else that we do is based upon this fact. The good news of Jesus Christ is the power of God unto salvation. We must present it clearly and accurately.
How can CEF® serve my church?
The Child Evangelism Fellowship® desires to be a willing and specialized partner in reaching the children in your communities. CEF® of North Alabama is here to serve as a companion and a resource in equipping your people and reaching your community. CEF® offers church partners a strategic plan, materials, training, support and mentoring. Through a God-centered partnership between the local church and CEF®, children’s lives change and churches grow. We would love to speak with you about your church’s vision and needs and how we can play a part in building up the church to be who Christ intends her to be. Call or email us using our contact information, and feel free to explore the many resources we offer:
Why volunteer?
Without our faithful volunteers, the ministry of CEF® would crumble. We are grateful for the staff and committee members whom God has called to lead and shepherd the ministry, but the only way that thousands of children are reached year after year is through the work of local churches and volunteers. There is great need for individuals, couples, families, and church groups to help in the mission of reaching children with the Gospel. Volunteering with CEF® is a great way to use your gifts and talents to help fulfill the Great Commission. The tasks are varied and the needs are many, so we hope you will choose to learn more about how you can invest your time and impact eternity.
What is the role of the committee?
The governing structure of CEF® consists of an International Board of Trustees, a National board, State boards, Local committees, and local staff. The local committee is established and authorized, as a committee of the state board, to carry out the vision and programs of CEF® within its geographic area. Our mission here at CEF® is to enlist, equip, and encourage qualified leaders to enable fulfillment of the purpose of CEF®, and then to establish chapters throughout the United States. God’s calling for board and committee members is a high calling. Every decision you make and every prayer you pray impacts boys and girls here and all over the world for future generations. The local committee is a meaningful and impactful way to serve the community. We would love to answer your questions about serving on the local committee.
How can you access public schools?
The Gospel has been taught freely in public schools all over the world for some time. Children in the U.S. have that opportunity, too! In 2001 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Good News Clubs v. Milford Central School that Good News Club®s can meet in public schools in the United States after school hours on the same terms as other community groups. Children attend Good News Club® only with their parents’ permission.