Party Clubs

What are Party Clubs?

Party Clubs are a seasonal one-time or monthly Bible clubs for kids. A Party Club includes upbeat games, songs, a verse applied to the lives of the kids, and an interactive Bible lesson or story which shares the Gospel that is sure to engage all who attend.

Why should I host and/or teach a Party Club?

Most children are not going to a church and hearing the Gospel. Many feel hopeless, adrift in the currents of our secular world.

It is imperative that we share the Gospel of Jesus with the children in our communities and the Hope and Anchor that is found in Jesus alone! As you reach out to your community, you will have the privilege of watching God work in the hearts of children and adults alike. It’s a perfect opportunity to connect with unchurched children and their families.

When could I teach a Party Club?

Anytime! Here are some fun times to have a club:

  • Valentine’s Day

  • St Patrick’s Day

  • Easter

  • End of the school year

  • A Saturday fun-day in summer

  • A one-day VBS or outreach event

  • Start of the school year

  • Fall

  • Thanksgiving

  • Christmas (more information below of this special opportunity to reach kids)

Check out kit options at CEF Press!

How can I get involved?

  • Pray! Ask others believers and your church to pray.

  • Form a team of 3 or more volunteers. Be screened according to CEF’s Child Protection Policy.

  • Receive FREE training and order your teaching kit.

  • Teach your club!

  • Follow up with the children & their families, connecting them with your church family.

Contact us today for more information or to get started! or 256-353-3139

Christmas Party Clubs

Looking for a way to reach your community this Christmas season?
Adults and children alike enjoy a good Christmas party, and Child Evangelism Fellowship® (CEF®) has developed an extraordinary one-time outreach event called Christmas Party Clubs - a fun, evangelistic and innovative event for kids! This international effort provides the means to celebrate one of the most amazing events in all of history—the birth of Jesus!

Bringing the Christ of Christmas to children NEAR YOU!

Most children don’t know the true meaning of Christmas. Many children today don’t regularly attend church and have never heard the true meaning of Christmas. Wouldn’t it be great if thousands of children learned about the Christ of Christmas this year?

Through a Christmas Party Club, your church can work alongside Child Evangelism Fellowship® to reach the children in your community with the true story of Christmas. While each Party Club is Gospel-centered, there are also teachings for saved children. CEF® will connect you with the training, materials, and activities you need to confidently host a Christmas Party Club.

Continue spreading the Good News to children in your community!

For those looking for more community outreach opportunities, a Christmas Party Club can open the door to hosting a Good News Club® at the children’s school. If your church already helps with Good News Club, you can have a Christmas Party Club in your Good News Club at your local public school, or other community area.

How can I get involved?

  • Pray! Ask others and your church to pray.

  • Form a team of 3 or more volunteers. Be screened according to CEF’s Child Protection Policy. (Commitment form)

  • Receive training and order your teaching kit. (Training information below!)

  • Follow up with the children & their families, connecting them with your church family.

Contact us today for more information or to get started! or 256-353-3139