
Personal Support

The most spiritually productive harvest field anywhere is among the children. Statistics show that the great majority of people who accept Christ do so between the ages of four and fourteen - when they are children. By partnering with Child Evangelism Fellowship® of North Alabama, you are a valuable harvester of the field.

Make a Donation

Building a team that financially supports the ministry connects people with a primary purpose for redemption, to be the expression of Christ to the nations. CEF® of North Alabama is a faith-supported ministry that brings together those whom God calls to go to children and those whom God calls to give generously of what they have. Your payments are processed and distributed safely, and you will receive a tax-deductible receipt regularly when your gift is received.

Make a Donation

Monthly Pledge

Many financial supporters choose to give a monthly donation of any amount that God leads them to give. When these gifts are pledged regularly, it allows the ministry to set a budget and maintain growth throughout the year. While spontaneous giving is a blessing, when some are called to give regularly, the ministry is sustained for long-term work. When you have prayerfully considered joining the support team, and settled on an amount and how often you will give, you are ready to submit your first donation. Your payments are processed and distributed safely, and you will receive a tax-deductible receipt regularly when your gift is received. 

Begin Giving

Estate Planning

Have you given thought to how you can maximize your God-given resources for both your family and for reaching children in North Alabama with the Gospel? No matter the amount, you can rest assured knowing that gifts left to Child Evangelism Fellowship® will be intentionally used to grow the ministry to reach more children. As you make your estate plans, or perhaps you already have, would you consider setting aside a portion to be used for reaching children? If you have already chosen to do so, please be sure that you specify "Child Evangelism Fellowship of Alabama, Inc. North Alabama Chapter," not just "CEF" or "Child Evangelism Fellowship." This will make the process far simpler, and your gift will leave a legacy of thousands of children being reached with the Gospel in the local area.

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Church Giving

A church can make a great and lasting impact on children, families, and communities by partnering with the ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship® of North Alabama. Whether your church chooses to support CEF® through a missions budget or through a Good News Club® Partnership, you are a valuable part of the work God is doing in our communities.

Missions Support

Scripture is filled with many examples of the body of Christ supporting the efforts of missionaries near and far. If God has blessed you as a church with the resources to support missions, we ask you to prayerfully consider including Child Evangelism Fellowship® of North Alabama in your missions budget. The ministry benefits greatly by regular pledged giving, in that it allows us to plan ahead for the growth of ministry. Your church can make a great impact through giving by maintaining the growth of the ministry, funding new projects and personnel, as well as sponsoring ministry with churches and communities that may not have access otherwise. 

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Good News Club® Partnership

We are ready and eager to help churches enter the schools, fully equipped to share the Gospel, to teach the Bible to school children, and to extend the biblical influence to families. CEF® offers church partners a strategic plan, materials, training, support and mentoring.  Through a God-centered partnership between the local church and CEF®, children’s lives change and churches grow. Churches come to the partnership with the most important ingredient, God’s people. A team from your church will bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the school children. CEF® offers specialized training for this endeavor. CEF® takes care of the major logistics of getting a club started:  contacting the school, providing liability insurance and conducting background checks.

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Investing Time, Impacting Eternity

There is great need for individuals, couples, families, and church groups to help in the mission of reaching children with the Gospel. Volunteering with CEF® is a great way to use your gifts and talents to help fulfill the Great Commission. The tasks are varied and the needs are many, so we hope you will choose to learn more about how you can invest your time and impact eternity. We have a passion for serving and strengthening the local church through the training of believers who desire to reach their community.

Available Training

Child Evangelism Fellowship® is a willing and specialized partner in reaching the children in YOUR communities. CEF of North Alabama offers many opportunities throughout the year to plug into ministry and receive training that leads to confident and effective ministry in a variety of settings. Whether you are seeking to volunteer in Good News Club® or Summer Missions, or you want to optimize your church’s impact or strengthen your skills in a Sunday School or other teaching environment, CEF® can help!

To find out about the available training in your area, click here to go to the training section of our website.

If you are serious about reaching children, you need…

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Serious Training

The goal of the Teaching Children Effectively® (TCE™) courses is to produce ministry practitioners who not only have the intellectual know-how to minister to children but who can actually “do ministry.” TCE™ courses are offered periodically, in a class setting or online.

More Information

Teaching Children Effectively, Level 1

TCE™  Level 1 is designed to offer a fresh approach to evangelizing and teaching children. Based on spiritual and educational principles, the course provides the methods and procedures to lead children to Christ and immediately equips the believer to begin and sustain a ministry where he lives. Student practicums are a vital part of the instructional procedure which makes TCE™ a refreshing way to train Christians in child evangelism.

Teaching Children Effectively, Level 2

TCE™ Level 2 has been designed to enable you to effectively guide the saved child in his walk with the Lord. Based on spiritual and educational principles, the course builds on those things learned in level 1 and provides practical methods for discipling boys and girls. Although the focus of TCE™ level 2 is on the saved child, a strong evangelistic emphasis is also presented. Student practicums continue to be a vital part of the instructional process.

Required Forms and Steps to Volunteer

Steps for New Volunteers:

Application options: online or download a fillable PDF to email us at

Online application and background check

Fillable PDF application and background check

View Child Protection Policy Video

Contact us at or 256-353-3139 for more information!

Steps for Returning Volunteers:

Re-screen application options: online or download a fillable PDF to email us at

Online Re-screen Application*

Fillable PDF Re-screen Application*

*This form required 5 years after the previous background check, OR if you have turned 18 since your last application, OR if you have NOT actively served in the last calendar year or more.

View Child Protection Policy Video

Steps for Continuing Volunteers annually:

This is for volunteers who have actively served in the last calendar year and do not need the 5-year re-screening.

Fillable PDF Ministry Compliance & Doctrinal Policy Agreement to email us at nal.gnc@cefalabama.

Online Ministry Compliance & Doctrinal Policy Agreement