Building strong foundations
God’s Great Grace Ephesians 1:7 - Have you ever heard the word "grace?" Tune in to hear about God's great grace and how you can have it. (click here) Check out this link to hear this verse to song! (verse song - click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.
Jesus is the Way John 14:6 - If you were invited to a party, how would you get there? You would need to know the way. Today's verse tells the way that God made for you to come to Him. Tune in to find out the Way! (click here) To hear this verse to a fun song, check out this link!
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.
God Made a Way for You to Come to Him 1 Peter 3:18 - Have you every done something wrong and gotten in trouble? What if someone came and said he will take your punishment for you? Our verse today talk about that! (click here) Check out this link for a fun verse song!
What Goes on Forever Jeremiah 31:3b - Have you ever wanted something to go on forever? Our verse today tells of something that will never end! (click here) Check of this fun song with the verse!
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.
Important information for you - John 20:31 - Have you ever wondered what a word means or wanted to know more about something? I can be fun to find answers, but to find to the most important information for your life now and forever, you need to go to God's Word. In today's verse, listen to find out one reason God's Word was written! (click here) Check out this link for a fun verse song!
God Loves the World - John 3:16 - Think about what is precious to you. How would you feel if you had to give it up. Our verse today tells about someone precious who God chose to give for you. Check it out! (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.
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Bring Glory to God Whatever You Do - 1 Corinthians 10:31 - How could a firefighter, teacher, or store worker bring glory to God? Today's verse tells how we can bring glory to God whatever we do. Watch to find out! (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.
How to Find Your Way - Psalm 119:105 - How can you find your way in the dark? How can you find the right way in your life? Today's verse gives the answer. Watch to find out! (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.
God is Love - 1 John 4:8 - Has anyone ever done something really nice for you, like maybe your friends or family? They are showing that they care about you and love you! Did you know that someone loves you even more than anyone else? Our verse today talks about this. Check it out! (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.
We All Fall Short - Romans 3:23 - Have you every tried to throw a basketball and missed the hoop? The ball fell short of the goal. There are all things where we fall short or don't make the goal. Our verse today tells of something of which everyone falls short. Watch to find out! (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.
You Can Know This for Sure! - Job 19:25-26 - What is something you know 100% for sure? Maybe your name or that you will land on the ground every time that you jump up. Our verse today talks about something you can absolutely know 100% for sure! Check it out. (click here)
Felts used by gracious permission from Betty Lukens.